Anoche aparecieron publicados los cambios previstos para el Parche 4.3, si bien, según se indica, pueden ser modificados hasta que el 4.3 salga live (que por cierto, ya se puede entrar al PTR).
Los cambios para los chamanes son los siguientes:
- Flametongue Weapon no longer increases spell damage. It now increases all non-physical damage done by the wielder by 5%.
- Lightning Bolt has a new spell effect.
- Wind Shear now has a 25-second base cooldown, up from 6 seconds.
- Talent Specializations
- Elemental
- Call of Flame no longer causes Fire Nova to extend the duration of Flame Shock.
- Earthquake damage has been increased by roughly 75%.
- Elemental Fury now removes the cooldown from Chain Lightning.
- Reverberation now reduces the cooldown of Wind Shear by 10/20 seconds, up from 0.5/1 second.
- Enhancement
- Improved Lava Lash now causes Lava Lash to spread a Flame Shock debuff from the target to up to 4 nearby targets. This excludes crowd-controlled targets and those who already have a Flame Shock debuff from the shaman.
- Improved Lava Lash no longer increases base Lava Lash damage by 15/30%. This increase has been rolled into the base Lava Lash skill.
- Mental Quickness has been redesigned. Instead of granting the shaman spell power, Mental Quickness now causes Enhancement shaman spells to behave as though the shaman has spell power equal to 55% of attack power. Enhancement shaman spells no longer benefit from spell power from other sources.
- Restoration
- Ancestral Healing now also causes the shaman's heals to increase the target's maximum health by 5/10% of the amount healed, up to a maximum of 10% of the target's maximum health, for 15 seconds. This effect does not stack if multiple Restoration shaman are present, and does not apply to heals from procs.
- Riptide's periodic healing coefficient has been increased by 50%. The initial direct heal is unchanged.