Accedemos a este boss desde el anterior barco, tras una cinemática que no ha sido desvelada aún. Aparecemos sobre la espalda de Deathwing, rodeados de bichejos, que al matar, hacen que salgan otros bichejos, y más y más bichejos hasta que todo se convierte en caos, muerte y destrucción.
En este encuentro tenemos que usar algunos de los bichejos anteriores, que explotan, para romper la armadura de la espalda del boss. A mayores, Deathwing detecta si toda la raid se pone a un lado u otro de su espalda, y entonces intenta desprenderse de todo lo que tenga encima dando una vuelta sobre sí mismo.
En el diario de mazmorra aparecen ya sus habilidades:
When Deathwing first channeled the Dragon Soul's power against the other flights, the massive energies that were unleashed threatened to break apart his very body. Rather than forgo this weapon, he had adamantium plates fused to his scales to hold his body together. Later reinforced with elementium, these plates are now his weakness--the sole vulnerability to Deathwing's lethal presence.

- Seal Armor Breach - When an armor plate is pried up, the Burning Tendons rapidly pull the plate closed, protecting the tendons from further damage and preventing the plate from flying off.
Deathwing's Immune System
The creatures that comprise Deathwing's Immune System emerge from the holes in his back left by torn off armor plates. Deathwing defends himself with increasing intensity as more plates are torn off.
- Grasping Tendrils - These tendrils sprout from holes in Deathwing's back that aren't currently occupied by Corruption tentacles. Players that wander too close will be grasped, reducing their movement speed by 35% and inflicting 6500 Fire damage every 0 sec. until they move away. This effect prevents players from being thrown off Deathwing's back.
- Corruption - These tentacles are dramatic physical manifestations of the Old God Corruption that runs rampant through Deathwing's body. They are the first to emerge from the holes in his back left by armor plates, and they seal the wound completely, preventing any other creatures from emerging from it.
Searing Plasma - Coats the victim in the searing blood of Deathwing. The thick blood will absorb up to 200000 healing done to the target and will cause the victim to cough up blood, periodically inflicting 10000 Physical damage.
- Fiery Grip - Grips victims with a whip-like cord of plasma, stunning them for up to 30 sec and inflicting 50000 Fire damage every 5 sec. The corruption must channel to maintain this effect, and it may be broken by inflicting significant damage to the tentacle. This effect prevents players from being thrown off Deathwing's back.
Hideous Amalgamation - These unstable creatures are a patchwork of Elementium Armor fragments and pieces of the former Dragon's body held together by his molten blood.
- Absorb Blood - Absorbs nearby Corrupted Blood residue. The Amalgamation grows more unstable with each Residue absorbed, increasing its damage by 10% and attack speed by 10%. At 9 stacks it will become superheated.
- Superheated Nucleus - The core of the Amalgamation becomes critically unstable, causing it to inflict 15000 Fire damage to all enemies every 3 sec. If it is destroyed in this state it will trigger a Nuclear Blast.
Nuclear Blast - The superheated nucleus of the Amalgamation triggers a massive explosion, inflicting 375000 Fire damage to targets within 10 yds. This blast is powerful enough to pry up one of Deathwing's Elementium plates if it is within range.
Degradation - Destroyed Amalgamations degrade the maximum health of all enemy targets by 6%. This effect occurs regardless of the state of the nucleus and stacks up to 15 times.
Blood Corruption: Death - Deathwing's corruption courses through your veins. This corruption will take hold if it is not removed quickly, infecting the player with the Blood of Deathwing. When dispelled this effect jumps to a new target and can mutate into Blood Corruption: Earth.
Blood of Deathwing - The blood of Deathwing explodes violently from your veins, inflicting 875000 Fire damage to you and several other players.
Blood Corruption: Earth - A shadow of Neltharion courses through your veins. This corruption will take hold if it is not removed quickly, infecting the player with the Blood of Neltharion. When dispelled this effect jumps to a new target and can mutate into Blood Corruption: Death.
Blood of Neltharion - The barest hint of a shadow of the former Earth-Warder suffuses your blood. Damage taken from all sources is reduced by 10%. This effect can stack up to 3 times.
Corrupted Blood - These living globs of Deathwing's blood appear fragile, but leave behind an indestructible residue when killed.
- Burst - Corrupted Blood explodes when destroyed, inflicting 20000 Fire damage to nearby enemies.
- Residue - This indestructible residue is left behind when a Corrupted Blood is destroyed. It slowly creeps toward the nearest hole in Deathwing's Back where it will be reconstituted into a new Corrupted Blood.

Cuando empiezas a romper su armadura (que por cierto nos costó un buen rato discernir qué era lo que habia que romper), se ve tal que así:

Y en este boss, si la cagamos, también saldremos volando por los aires. Parece que a Blizz le mola eso de lanzarnos al vacío desde objetos voladores :(
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