Por último, tras tres oleadas, Blackhorn baja y le mataremos directamente, mientras su montura, Goriona, nos bombardea desde el cielo.
El diario de mazmorra cuenta lo siguiente:
Though once vast in number, only a few dozen twilight dragons now remain. Astride these hardened survivors are the last vestiges of the Twilight's Hammer's army: the elite drake riders of Deathwing's personal escort. Led by the insidious Warmaster Blackhorn, they move with unholy purpose, driven to protect their dark master.
Stage One: Dragonriders, Attack!
Flying alongside the Skyfire and surveying the scene while his massive twilight drake lobs balls of destruction at the gunship, Warmaster Blackhorn gives the order for his elite dragonriders to swoop into battle.
- Goriona - The massive twilight drake that is the mount of Warmaster Blackhorn himself.
Twilight Onslaught - Goriona unleashes a massive blast of dark energy at the Skyfire. Twilight Onslaught deals 800000 Shadow damage, divided evenly among all victims within its 10 yard radius, as well as the Skyfire itself. If the attack strikes the deck of the Skyfire without hitting any player, the gunship itself suffers the full damage.
- Twilight Assault Drake - These drakes will strafe across the deck of the ship, depositing their fierce riders, and then retreat to a safe distance to bombard the gunship.
- Twilight Barrage - The twilight drakes launch bursts of dark energy at the Skyfire. Twilight Barrage deals 200000 Shadow damage, divided evenly among all victims within its 5 yard radius. If the attack strikes the deck of the Skyfire without hitting any player, the gunship itself suffers the full 200000 damage instead.
- Twilight Elite Dreadblade -
- Blade Rush - The Dreadblade charges at the location of a random distant foe, dealing 80000 Physical damage to all enemies in its path.
Degeneration - The Dreadblade carves a swath of destruction with its dark sword, dealing 40000 Shadow damage to enemies in a frontal cone, and afflicting them with a lingering effect that deals 3000 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 1 min. Stacks.
- Twilight Elite Slayer -
- Blade Rush - The Dreadblade charges at the location of a random distant foe, dealing 80000 Physical damage to all enemies in its path.
Brutal Strike - The Slayer deals a vicious blow with its jagged sword, causing 150 Physical damage, and afflicting the target with a lingering effect that deals 3000 Physical damage every 2 sec for 1 min. Stacks.
Twilight Sapper - Sleek infiltrator drakes will airdrop goblins, strapped with powerful explosives, onto the deck of the ship. These Sappers will rush to breach the gunship bridge, where they can detonate their destructive payload for maximum effect.
Detonate - Upon reaching the Skyfire's bridge, the Sapper detonates his explosives, dealing 250000 Fire damage to enemies within 8 yards, and damaging the Skyfire itself for % of its total durability. This explosion is also fatal to the Sapper himself.
- The Skyfire - This massive gunship, with Sky Captain Swayze at the helm, is equipped with numerous cannons and a pair of harpoon guns for its defense. While sturdy, the gunship is not indestructible, and it cannot be allowed to sustain too much damage, or the pursuit of Deathwing will come to an untimely end.
Harpoon Guns - The Skyfire is equipped with two repurposed harpoon guns, seized during its prior service in Northrend. During the battle, gunners will spear the Assault Drakes and reel them in, bringing them within reach for ranged attackers on the deck of the gunship. The drakes will strain against the line, eventually breaking free and returning to a safe distance. After a pause to reload, the harpoon gunners will then spear their target anew.
Once the Skyfire's defenders defeat three waves of dragonriders, Warmaster Blackhorn himself will leap down onto the deck of the gunship.
- Warmaster Blackhorn
- Devastate - Blackhorn sunders the target's armor, dealing 150% weapon damage and applying the Sunder Armor effect, reducing armor by 21% for 30 sec. Stacks.
- Disrupting Roar - Warmaster Blackhorn screams fiercely, dealing 50000 Physical damage to all enemies, also interrupting the spellcasting of enemies within 10 yards for 8 sec.
- Shockwave - Blackhorn strikes the ground, unleashing a wave of force that deals 100000 Physical damage to enemies in a 80 yard frontal cone, stunning them for 4 sec.
- Vengeance - As Warmaster Blackhorn takes damage, he becomes increasingly deadly, dealing an additional percent damage for each percent of health he is missing.
- Goriona - After depositing her master on the deck of the Skyfire, Goriona hovers alongside the Skyfire, raining destruction down on the adventurers.
- Twilight Flames - Goriona fires a blast of dark energy at a random player, dealing Shadow damage to enemies in a $A1 yard radius. Twilight Flames lingers on the deck of the Skyfire, dealing 39000 Shadow damage to enemies within 7 yards every 1 sec for 0.001 sec.
Si tu barco se destruye, salimos volando hasta el infinito:
Y por último, los dos NPCs que hay en el barco para iniciar el evento, tienen unos curiosos nombres:
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